Namaste on Vacay

Vacations can be stressful. Find ways and time to decompress so you get the most enjoyment out of your trip.

Not only is movement great for our physical health, but it can also benefit our mental health.  Studies have found that exercises like yoga may be helpful for depression, anxiety, or PTSD.

Here are six Yoga poses anyone can do for a on the go workout.

  • Mountain pose

        • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and outstretch your arms.
        • Lift both arms away from your sides and hold them in place when they’re about 12 inches away from your hips.
        • As you settle into the pose, roll your shoulders back and tilt your chin slightly upwards.
        • Take a deep breath while stretching your arms out as if someone were gently pulling down on your fingertips.
        • Hold this pose for 5 deep breaths or for however long feels comfortable for you

  • Upward Salute

        • Start in Mountain Pose.
        • Reach your arms up over your head and lengthen your body from toes to fingertips.
        • Your face should be tilted upwards looking at your hands as you reach up for the sky.
        • Hold this pose for 5 deep breaths or for however long feels comfortable for you.

  • Salutation Seal

        • You can start this pose from either a seated or standing position.
        • Raise your arms up and over your head, then press the palms of your hands together and bring them down to the center of your chest.
        • Roll your shoulders back and take a few deep breaths.
        • Hold this pose for 5 deep breaths or for however long feels comfortable for you.

  • Cow Face Pose

        • Start in the Mountain Pose position.
        • With your hands at your side, move your right arm behind your back while also lifting your left arm up and over your head.
        • Try to reach behind your back and grab the fingertips of each hand. If you can’t reach your fingertips, try holding onto a strap, belt, or towel.
        • Once your hands are clasped together, roll your shoulders back and breathe deeply into this pose.
        • Switch hands after a few breaths.

  • Cat Pose

        • Lower yourself to your hands and knees on a yoga mat or soft surface (like a carpet).
        • Your hands should be shoulder-width apart and your knees should be hip-width apart, with the soles of your feet facing up.
        • Keep your back straight — like a table — at the start of this pose.
        • Gently curve your spine up into Cat Pose while letting your head hang down toward the floor.
        • After a few breaths, you can try to either:
          • Go back to a neutral straight back to rest.
          • Move into Cow Pose by letting your belly button drop towards the ground while lifting your chin up to the ceiling.

  • Child’s Pose

        • Start on the ground in the Cat Pose.
        • Using your hands as anchors, shift your hips back so that your stomach is resting on top of your legs.
        • With your head pressed on the ground, stretch your hands out as far as you can reach while breathing deeply.
        • Hold this pose for 5 deep breaths or for however long feels comfortable for you.

Hopefully these will bring your some relaxation and rejuvenation the next time you are traveling!

If you need to entertain the kids take a look at some fun summer activities for them in this blog post.

And if you haven't yet be sure to check out this Play List & Beach Reads.

Here's a not so delightful read but very informative.

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