Walking Challenge

Walking Challenge

There isn’t a problem in the world that can’t be solved by a group of women on a power walk!


Did you know walking 30 minutes a day is an effective exercise routine to help you reach your fitness goals? 

That's because walking not only burns calories, but it's also simple and easy to do anywhere. This means you're a lot more likely to stick with it.


To lose weight with walking, you want to make sure you're getting your heart rate up to 60 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate and you want to aim for 3-5x per week.

It's even more beneficial when you can walk outside amongst mother nature.  However we all know the weather doesn't always cooperate.


I’ve found some really cool indoor walking workout videos that are great when you can’t get outside.


Fast 20-Minute Walking Workout


20-Minute Beginner Walking Workout


15-Minute Walking for Weight Loss

How fun are those?

Great way to switch things up when the weather or life doesn't allow us to get outside.

Who wants to commit to walking 3 to 5x per week?

Be accountable, share a photo of your walk or walking space or even the steps you got in on social media using  #CocktailDiet

Or pass this blog post along to a friend or share to Facebook or Pinterest! Just look for this icon at the top or bottom of this post.

I actually have a virtual tour happening in my Facebook Community, any chance we can get walking partners in every state?  Click to hangout with us!

Then the Aches & Pains

With warmer temps we get more active & doing activities we haven't done in awhile.
If you're looking for some natural remedies here are a few suggestions.

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