Social Media Tips for Small Business or Direct Sales

Social Media Tips for Small Business or Direct Sales

No matter the size of your business here are a few tips.  I've got so many to share but thought I'd share with some of the basics I wish I had known early on.


Appears as, it's mostly used on Instragram since only one website link is allowed in a profile.  They offer a free service which you can use as a landing page of sorts.

This is a great option if you have multiple funnels from YouTube, a website, Facebook, Pinterest, a blog, and so on.

It's very easy to set up and make changes.  I am able to quickly update my list shown below within seconds to minutes.

80 / 20 posting rule

Keep you posts focused on one or more of the following 80% of the time.  20% should be left to promotions of what you are selling, offering, etc.

  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Engagement
  • Personal - share your story or other's
  • Inspire or Motivate
  • Authentic content
For every 10 posts you put out 1 should be promotional.  Not going to lie, this can be tough.  We get so excited about what we offer that we want to share.  Yet people are generally on social media to catch up with friends, be entertained, or educated.

Share your story 

Someone needs you more than you need them.  You have a story to share because it can help one person!  As we go through life we collect stories and each season we travel through in life our story when shared could inspire just one person.

This was a very scary thing to wrap my head around when I got started because I'm a very private person, believe it or not.  I decided I would start by sharing a few things I was comfortable with dog was an easy route.  Then why I was hear became easy, I finally had found relief for my dry skin.  As time went by I was able to collect other people's stories to share.  This is important because not everyone will be able to relate to my dog and dry skin.  As I have more experiences myself and become more comfortable with my story I share more nuggets along the way.  

Nothing has to be 100% all in or even perfect.  Imperfectly starting is far better than focusing on perfect and never doing it!

Just be you.  Be open to possibilities. 

We have the world at our fingertips this can be scary but also incredibly amazing.  As we go down this path friends that were only meant for one season may not go along with us into this season.  However, this season can bring into our lives some incredibly amazing new friends we would not have meet otherwise.

I can not even count all the wonderful people who've come into my life since starting this journey.  Thanks to social media so many of them are all across the US.  Many of these connections have even become like a second family for me.

Be who you were before the world around you told you who to be.  
Know that there are endless possibilities at your fingertips.  It may not happen overnight but if you are consistent you'll learn so much and most likely meet some incredible people along your journey!

As I wrote this I realized I didn't even talk about one of my most favorite things, scheduling!  Wonderful technology which makes it look like I have it all pulled together, lol!

I hope to bring you more tips so please subscribe.  

