The Lemongrass Spa Life

Are you a Lemongrass Spa Addict, a Newbie, or somewhere in between?

Check out this less than 3 minute video from our owner & founder, Heidi Leist.

Now a little about my Lemongrass Spa journey...
I’m a tomboy who somehow ended up in the ‘beauty’ industry. I was unknowledgeable and completely out of my element. Still am most days! Honestly, it was something I never done before or even considered.
I have no background in ‘beauty’ products other than I used a few. My background is a combination of accounting & insurance. How’s that for relatable? 
I never even hosted any type of Direct Sales event before. Sure I’d purchased some products from companies over the years. But I’m not a party person! I hate standing in front of people! I hate pictures! And if I could wear a stocking hat year round I would. Even though I have good hair 
Oh and by the way I never bought any Lemongrass Spa products! I got a couple samples & then signed up! What’s the worst that could happen?
Well I just hoped to get some free products and maybe ease some pain/irritation for a few people. See I found this company trying to ease my dry/irritated skin of 30+ years.
Then thought hey I can reconnect with some friends & maybe make some new ones. Honestly, I didn’t have many friends because I’d been so worried about ‘that job’ and putting in the hours there over the years. And most my friends were off raising their kids so we kind of lost contact.
So I got a few people interested in trying products. Then started to see the importance of the products went far beyond soothing my dry skin.
Honestly, I didn’t want to sell anything! However, I knew that it was the only way I could get paid for what I’m worth. I knew enough that the sales industry as a whole has the highest earning potential (without all that schooling of other industries). Plus a little help, guidance, and encouragement from that guy standing behind me along the way!
Well I’d put plenty of time & effort in those 9to5 jobs and the raises & bonuses weren’t on the high end for all the time & efforts spent. So what’s the worst that could happen if I tried it?
I’ve turned this hobby into a lifestyle and an educational tool which I can have fun doing! Plus received some amazing perks besides the extra income. Including earn 2 Spa Incentive Trips!
All that brings us here, I hope you decide to DREAM BIG and give us a try for 30 days! What's the worst that could happen?

Everyone's reasons to start & even stay are different.  Find your reason to start your journey! 

-Are you at a point in life where you are looking for something more or something different and own your own work schedule?
-Are you looking for a positive supportive community to help you and/or your family get healthier?
-Maybe you want some additional spending money in addition to your full-time job.
-Maybe you don’t want to leave your new baby at daycare 5 days a week.
-Maybe you are ready for something exciting and new.
-Maybe you are tired of being tied to someone’s else schedule.
-Maybe you need to pay for college or braces.
-Maybe you'd love recognition for a job well done vs more work added to your plate.
-Maybe it’s time to take a fresh look at an opportunity you’ve dismissed time and time again that is flexible, fun, and financially rewarding.

If you answered YES or MAYBE to any of these it might be time to consider jumping in & giving it a try!
Here are a few more stories from fellow consultants about their journey's.  Click here.
Alright!  I know you have all these questions brewing in your head.  Write them down just in case I don't cover them.  So here are some of the answers to the most frequently asked questions I have received over the years.
-No inventory to carry
-Products shipped directly to customer or Host
-Free training: TONS! 
-Earn 25% (+) commission day 1
-Consultants can earn Host Rewards
-Low monthly minimum sales requirement
-Yes you can work this seasonally if that's what fits your schedule
-You can Host & reduce your cost to join!
-Work when & where you decide! (1hr, 1 day a month, or more)
-No monthly auto-ships or memberships
-Consultant discount is 25%
-No cancellation fees or restrictions, if you decide it’s not for you
-You decide your income from sales, team, or both
-Insurance options for all consultants
-Yes you can join & not have to sell
-Home Office covers the fee to process credit cards

Here's a few more FAQ I answered in this short video clip.

What are your burning questions?   The silly question is the one you don't ask!  I'd love to set up a time to chat real quick.

Now one of the can I squeeze this into my current routine/schedule?

You decide how you will share Lemongrass Spa and how often!  We provide you with free trainings, tools, and so much more!

Take a glimpse at a very rough estimate of what it might look like as you start sharing & earning.  Everyone's journey is different so we can not guarantee income amounts.  

Ok, so now comes the time to decide which kit are you going to start with?  I highly recommend the Social Selling kit, it's a favorite & so easy to share.  We can talk later about how you can grab the other kit for $129!

Social Selling Kit for $49, free shipping
includes additional business supplies not pictured.     

 (contents may vary each season, contact me for the most updated list)
Ways to start your journey:
1) Sign up online and pick one of the kits, plus tax...FREE shipping on which ever option you pick (click to start now)
2) Share the products with friends and use Host Rewards towards the cost of the kit! What day of the week works best?
3) Brand new option, grab both kits for $250!! That's over $800 worth of products!! (Grab them now)
4) Still have questions?  Send me a text 402.204.8070 or email or we can set up a time to chat quick.
5) Now's just not a good time for you, no problem you can either sign up for my newsletter or join my monthly Text club.  Send a text to 402.204.8070 with keyword MONTH, then receive 1-2 texts a month with what's happening!

Think about it!  We provide a solution for a market that's under served - affordable & clean bath, body, and cosmetics for the entire family!  Will you be leading the trend in your neighborhood, town, or maybe even your state?

Learn more about Lemongrass Spa click here!

With the help of Lemongrass Spa, I have reduced the toxins in my everyday life & the burden of living the 'corporate world' life. Our natural and organic skincare, cosmetics, & spa products are handmade, fresh in the USA! They are redefining life for our customers and our consultants! Contact me to sample our products, learn more with your friends, or how to start your own journey today! We don't know if we don't ask!

Stay In Touch

You can follow my shenanigans on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and be sure to subscribe to this blog.  Most likely have to scroll to the top to subscribe.

Here are ALL my links - 
Facebook Page:  Click HERE
Instagram: Click HERE

All the Things site: Click HERE  <---be sure to bookmark!
