Teen Facial Routine

Teens love filters on whatever social media platform.....sometimes they are using these to cover up the struggles they are having with their skin.   Our faces tend to be our first impression, I want everyone to feel comfortable in their skin.   If someone feels comfortable in their own skin they are more likely to have more confidence in life too.

Maybe you are reading this & not a teen or a parent of a teen.  The products listed below  have been  helpful  for some dealing with hormonal acne, cystic acne, rosacea,  & more skincare issues.

I'll be covering a few options available.  However everyone is different so I love to chat to make sure we get the best selection.  Then I provide a few recommendations.  I have this skincare quiz you are welcome to complete too.  My contact information is  at the end of this blog post as well.

Option 1:  the Starter Skincare Kit with Coconut Rehab Creme. If acne & blemishes are constant add on our Anti blemish spot treatment gel.      

3 Products $55, save $8, 4-6 month supply depending on usage.
4 Products $71, save $8, 4-6 month supply depending on usage.

*Please note this is an older video, pending the updates.

Option 2:    the Ultimate Skincare Collection 
(this collection is no longer available as a package however we can bundle it together for you, updates coming soon!)

-charcoal mask
-charcoal polish
-Hydrating eye creme (teens  typically don't need, use as a treat for yourself)
-Tea Tree & Citrus Face Creme
-Prebiotic Facial Mist
-Prebiotic Face Wash

6 Products which last 4-6 months depending on usage

Option 3: would be option 1 plus adding the charcoal mask or polish ($18 each)

We do have more offerings and customizable collections available but I shared our most popular selections.

Each of the Bundles do offer savings. Products can be ordered individually too.   These options can last 4-6 months depending on use.   The reason the products last so long because very little is needed.  They include plant based ingredients with no extra fillers so a little goes a long way.


Mask is used no more than once a week.
Polish can be used 1-3 times a week depending on how his skin feels.
Many lean towards polish over the mask as it removes the dead skin which can clog pores.

After using the Charcoal Mask you will want to use cool water to close back up pores.

Closer look at the Prebiotics.  Lemongrass Spa was a leader in the industry when they introduced this line.

More details on the Overnight Rehab Creme which I typically call Rehab Creme because it's not limited to use at night.  It's also a wonderful light feeling moisturizer for day use too.  It skyrocketed to be our best selling face creme  after introduced.

A look at the Teen Skincare Set (option 1) which also works great for adults who are struggling too!  
Rehab Creme:    Nourish,  hydrate for  all skin types.
Anti Blemish Treatment:  Lightweight gel targets areas with breakouts, inflammation and redness without drying your skin.

3 Products $55, save $8, 4-6 month supply depending on usage.
4 Products $71, save $8, 4-6 month supply depending on usage.

Option 2 the Ultimate collection  it does offer more options than listed below and pictured here.  What I shared above are the products used by several teens I know who have seen good luck.  The best way to find the right solution is to complete this short facial quiz or contact  me so we can walk thru the options based on the individual needs.

*Please note this is an older graphic, pending the updates. Individual products are available.

We have an incredible 60 day exchange policy so they can use the products & even if 1 product needs swapped out we can do that for them.
Lastly, I want to share that not all acne can be cured with products, pills, etc.  Sometimes it's a sign of an underlying issue.  I actually learned this for my self over a year ago when I had breakouts & redness that would not go away.  Turns out it was being caused by gluten.

That's why I like to share this graphic.  I will also mention that there are ingredients in other products which can cause acne too.    A couple of the big ones are sulfates in shampoo because as you shower that water runs down the face, shoulders,  & back.  The other one is a makeup ingredient called bismuth oxychloride.  It's a known skin irritant.  

If you, your teen, or someone you know is struggling and it seems like nothing is working.  It might not hurt to find a different doctor or dermatologist.   It does depend on where they went to school, their life experiences, & their patient base which can also play into what they know.   

Here's three ways to grab all your goodies!
1)  Pay full price &  shop online anytime.  If you are with a Host please select her name so she earns credit!
2)  Pick a fun way to share with friends and earn FREE shopping & half price items!   Fill out this form   or text me 402.204.8070.
3)  Give it all a try by grabbing the $129 kit anytime!   Check it out here!   Or text me 402.204.8070 and we can chat more!

