My Story

Somewhere around 2015 to 2016, I was scouring the internet on a search for clean skincare. I needed new makeup, had to have some lip balm, and lots of lotion because I was sick of my skin being dry & uncomfortable. 

I'm a tomboy who worked in insurance/accounting that was stuck in an unscented world because everything I would try with a scent gave me a headache or bad reaction with my skin. I had no clue about all the chemicals and what they were doing to me & my skin. I knew there were a few I should be avoiding. 

Well I’m lazy & I wanted one company to order everything from. And I definitely wanted online shopping because I hate standing in a store staring aimlessly not knowing what I really need. 

I stumbled upon these products and was in disbelief they were as clean & affordable as they appeared to be. 
How had I not heard of them? 
And I did not want anything to do with Direct Sales! 
So I kept searching…that lead to complete frustration! 

Companies with claims about being natural just to find ingredients I couldn’t pronounce or very long lists of ingredients. And don’t even get me started on the price, WOW!!! I’ve always been a coupon clipper, buying on clearance, and finding ways to save. If I was going to switch it had to be affordable. 

In this day and age of everyone obsessed with Amazon Prime….I didn’t want to go that route because of all the knock offs & concern over quality. I kept going back to these products & website. Is this legit?
Then most likely out of desperation. My lips had started to burn from the lip balm I was using. And I was almost out of makeup. 

I sucked it up and requested samples from Lemongrass Spa. 

What’s the worse that could happen? 

I received an email from Stefanie. She was a Director on the east side of Iowa and the closest Director to me. She offered me some samples and mailed them out. They arrived fairly quickly. I was slightly disappointed as they were scented. I had only used unscented products for who knows how long. 
Do I dare try them? I didn’t want a headache or skin reaction. 

Again I thought, what’s the worse that could happen considering what I’ve been dealing with for the last 30+ years?

So of course, I turn to my sister and my cousin for some input. My cousin was up for anything…a good sport! My sister….skeptical & thought I was crazy for even considering the thought of the modern day ‘Avon lady’. LOL! They were however both impressed with the samples I had received.
Again, I had NO clue what I was doing. So before I even heard back from Stefanie, I ordered the $129 kit! 

OOOH man had I wish I known then what I know now. I missed out on some incentives. Oh well! 
That kit arrived and I was in absolute shock of all the products they included in there. Plus SOO many were full size. I just dived in & started using everything! 

I discovered a community of women who were supportive which I was lacking. The company offered natural ingredients at an affordable price, and I found all of the things I was needing!

As they say the rest is history!

Older video covering my story.

Thank you for being a part of my journey!

When I jumped into this for the discount on my shopping, I would have never imagined I'd earn expenses paid beach vacations which I would get to take Casey with.

2018 Dominican Republic

2019 Cancun

2020 Covid Cancelled.  Received Cash Payout Instead

2021 Clearwater Beach, FL

2022 Montego Bay, Jamaica

Soon to be Punta Cana, May 2023

I'd love to stay in touch



I encourage you to give it a chance by upgrading your experience and see if it's a fit or not.

Just imagine where the journey could take you!

If you can relate to any of this, grab a kit & join our clean beauty tribe!
1) Sign up online and pick one of the kits starting at $39, plus tax...FREE shipping on whichever option you pick (start now:

2) Share the products with friends and use Host Rewards towards the cost of the kit! What day of the week works best?

3)  Still have questions?  Send me a text 402.204.8070 or email or we can set up a time to chat quick.

4) Now's just not a good time for you, no problem you can either sign up for my newsletter or join my monthly Text club.  Send a text to 402.204.8070 with keyword MONTH, then receive 1-2 texts a month with what's happening!
